Cherry Banana Smoothie

My kids' most favorite thing for breakfast right now are smoothies!  My daughter is going through a phase right now where she'll randomly rattle off ingredient ideas throughout the day for smoothies and come up with *interesting* names for them:)
This Cherry Banana Smoothie got a two thumbs up for both kiddos, so I had to record it for future reference!


On my last trip to Costco, I grabbed a big bag of frozen cherries since my husband goes through them like crazy; it turned out that he prefers tart cherries and I had bought sweet cherries, so we are now on a mission to use them in various smoothie concoctions.

Just like the rest of the world, I love how easy and versatile smoothies are since you can throw everything in, make it as healthy or as indulgent as you like, and have it ready in just a minute! But especially with kids, I like having an easy option that satisfies picky kids while still giving them something nutritious and filling.  I can never have too many smoothie options, so here it is:

makes 1 regular serving or 2 kid-sized servings


  •  1 cup frozen sweet cherries
  • 1 cup milk (regular, almond, oat...whatever you have works)
  • 1 tsp chia or ground flaxseed (I used a combination of both)
  • handful of ice cubes
  • 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt 
  • 1 banana
Blend together and serve immediately!


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